Project Name
Work Done
Backfilling, Grading and Compaction
Main Contractor
Nasser S Alhajri (NSH)
Saudi Aramco
Year of Project Done
Project Duration
1 Year

This project is a part of (Saudi ARAMCO on shore maintenance potential program . * The project was a subcontract with NSH Company, the Scope of work included:

  • Remote Header Area Bed preparation including supply of material and water, screening, Backfilling, grading and compaction.
  • Remote Header area Marle preparation with filling, grading and compaction on top of the Bed finished layer(30cm Thk)
  • Pipeline /OHPL right way :preparing ROW to provide a flat stable surface including cuts and fill required to reduce pipe line changes in slope to within the maximums allowed in SAES-L-450
  • Construction of right of way with materials including Marle ,water and compaction as per Aramco standard.
  • Backfill in sand or normal soil by Machines, the work includes supply of all kind of materials, labors, water and equipment.